In 2002, Larry Bossidy wrote a book with Ram Charan called Execution about the discipline of getting things done. The book gives the reader a strong sense of how a focused executive can get things done efficiently in pursuit of a competitive goal. At one point, explaining why he focuses on execution, Bossidy gives strategy short shrift. […]

Most organizations treat strategy as if it’s scary, secret and important. It’s thought to be made up of a lot of complicated theories, concepts, analyses and equations. This idea is fueled partly by the fact that the people who participate in it are often senior members of the organization. It’s also encouraged by the fact […]

Part of the reason strategy can be scary, is the confusion between corporate and business strategy. The basic unit of competition is the ‘business unit’. You can define a business unit in a number of ways, but essentially it’s a revenue stream and a cost base attached to some physical assets in the form of […]

Strategy & Choice

Developing strategy is about making choices. There are numerous definitions of strategy. Fighting over the definition is a great way to waste a lot of time, so it’s best avoided. Any definition can start the conversation though. Here’s how we think about it. There are two main conditions that drive the need for strategy – […]

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Getting Started on Strategy Development

But you have to start somewhere. So here are six questions that should help focus your thinking about what your strategy development process should address. 1. Are you winning? How well is your organization doing? Financially? Operationally? Competitively? There are all kinds of indications in the performance data, whether taken over a year, a decade […]

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