Steel Data Help

If you are just getting used to the Steel Data Room experience, you’ve probably experimented with making a bunch of charts, but when you go back to take a look the next day, you are not sure where to find them. Here’s where they are. From the Steel Data Room home page, click on “Charts” […]

The First River Steel Data Room from First River on Vimeo.

It’s understandable that you’re proud of your work. You want to share with your co-workers or a wider audience. It’s easy to do. 1. Make sure the chart is shareable. Hover your mouse over the leftmost icon in the subheading. (It will be a globe or a padlock). If ‘Sharing Options’ doesn’t show up, then […]

5 Things to Try in the Data Room

Having lots of data available to play with is one thing, but it’s just as important to have novel ways of playing with it. The intentional use of the data compiled here is an important part of its use. You know what you want, you find the dataset, select your variables, choose your chart, make […]

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How to edit your chart

So you have found the data you are interested in and created a chart. Now you want to make the chart look exactly right.  Once you have saved your rough chart in Data View, you can edit it further by accessing the Edit window. To do so, hover your cursor over the top-right corner of […]

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How to make a pie

Now that you know the basics of choosing a dataset and building a simple graph, it’s time to make a pie.  Let’s say you want a pie chart of the largest steelmaking regions of the world.  First, click on Datasets to get to the Dataset Browser and scroll down the list of datasets to get […]

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How to build your first chart

The time-saving power of this site is only fully exploited if you get your hands dirty in the data. It not might seem like it’s saving time to begin with, but it will bring rewards quickly. And once you have built or identified a series of charts, tables and dashboards that help you watch and […]

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